Students of BVM Global School, from class 6 - 8 were taken to Dwitiya Swapan testing camp starting from 1.9.2017 to 3.9.2017. It was attended by 17 students. They were escorted by our teachers – Suresh SJ, Bharti Panda and Vijaya K.
The Camp was organised by Bharat Scouts and Guides Local Association (Wilson Garden) at Gopalan Enterprises NCC Testing Camp site Kaglipura, Kanankpura Road. Around 200 students from different schools had participated in this camp.
During these three days, students were involved in many activities like making of Base/Patrol System , Sing Song, , Flag ceremony, Campfire , BP 6 Exercises, All Faith prayer etc. to develop various skills.
The oral testing was conducted to check their readiness based on syllabus from Pravesh Level. The workshop was organised on different topics like mapping, estimation, pioneering, camp craft, First Aid etc. The written test was held on the last day of the camp 3.9.10.
Our Students have enthusiastically participated in all the activities conducted there. Bhavana of Class 8 shared the Impression of the camp during the closing ceremony which was highly appreciated by all the people present there. It was a learning as well as enjoyable experience for all our students.