On the festive occasion of Ganesh Chathurti, the students of BVM Global@ Bengaluru had the opportunity to learn to make eco-friendly Ganesha under the guidance of Dr. Lakshmikanth, member of the Pollution Control Board. He taught the students to make Ganesha Idol using natural clay in a simplified manner. Students divided themselves in groups of 5 and made miniature Ganapati. Some enthusiastic teachers also joined hands with the students. Students were happy with their own creation and carried the idol with them.
Olympiad 2024-25
Inter School Competition 2024-25
Senior Sports Meet 2024-25
Environment Day 2024-25
Family Reading Day 2024-25
Investiture Ceremony 2024-25
Yoga Day 2024-25
World Blood Donors Day 2024-25
Aksharabhyasam 2024-25
Monthly News - July 2023
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